Monochromatic Eyes: Most of the human female characters and the non-human characters have blank white eyes.Before finding a middle ground in Don't Starve Together the first two characters of color had noticably lighter skin, despite being Hawaiian and Black respectively. Even still, the cast remains largely this after the few later additions. Prior to its release every human character was white.
Monochrome Casting: Especially prominent before the release of the Shipwrecked DLC. Maxwell seemed to be an exception, until it was revealed that his real name is William Carter. Letter Motif: Every playable character has a name or a surname starting with a "W". Jerk with a Heart of Gold: the extent of this trope varies with every character, but the survivors are ultimately flawed but friendly people who easily welcome new survivors into their group, regardless of species. Go Mad from the Isolation: Some of the most destructive quotes got changed into milder ones in Don't Starve Together, implying that the worst impulses of some characters were the result of this trope. Fire-Forged Friends: Don't Starve Together features various characters from the original game and its DLCs joining forces to survive. Inverted with Maxwell's Untriumphant skin, which shows him as William Carter. Evil Costume Switch: The Triumphant skins depict what would have happened if the characters had become corrupted by the Nightmare Throne.
Being struck by lightning also instead gives you charge. Post rework, their base stats were increased to be more average, but gears no longer give permanent upgrades, with their main mechanic instead becoming the circuit and charge system.
WX-78 originally had poor stats, but could eat gears to permanently increase them and could be overcharged by getting electrocuted. After his rework, Might became a separate stat and his hunger depletion was changed to be normalized, but he no longer gains speed. Wolfgang prior to his rework had a much simpler Might system that scaled with his hunger and gave him a speed increase, but he grew hungrier than other characters to make up for it. Discard and Draw: Some of the character reworks in Don't Starve Together act like this, giving characters new powers and removing their old ones, or changing their stats to compensate for the change in mechanics. Their answer is to beat the crap out of him. Determinator: In Don't Starve Together, the Ancient Fuelweaver tells the survivors that they should just let themselves die for good, rather than face whatever the Big Bads have planned for them. Characterization Marches On: Some character quotes got changed in Don't Starve Together to reflect both how the survivors are coping with not being alone anymore and their better comprehension of how the Constant works. Also, insanity is a game mechanic, so even those who would normally be the only sane men will end up qualifying at some point. DONT STARVE TOGETHER CHARACTER TEMPLATE FULL
Cast Full of Crazy: Many characters seem to have mental issues from the start.The only nonhuman character to have them is Wilba, the Pig Princess from Hamlet. Of the female human characters, only Winona and Wickerbottom have them. Black Bead Eyes: Most of the human male characters have them.This is explicit with Wilson, Wendy, Warly, Wigfrid, Winona, Webber, and, Maxwell, and implied for some others. Be Careful What You Wish For: A reoccurring theme throughout the Survivors is many of them wanted something and their wish was granted, but said wish also ended up trapping them in the Constant.Badass Crew: You need to be a badass to survive in a world where everything wants you dead.Ax-Crazy: Due to the situation, everyone could qualify.Action Survivor: No matter their age, strength, or intelligence, each character has proven more than able to survive alone in a world full of hostile creatures.