It’s a straightforward concept, but one that is executed surprisingly well.

In your left hand, you’ll be able to use various wacky powerups, like a bullet-sucking vacuum or a deadly yo-yo, as they come your way. You have to simultaneously shoot enemies as they fly around you, while also moving your plane (or, you right hand) around to dodge incoming projectiles and bullets. The basic premise is that you control a bullet-shooting plane in your right hand (initially piloted by a cute cat, but you’ll quickly unlock other avatars) in a roomscale environment. In some ways, Shooty Skies Overdrive feels very familiar and yet also quite fresh in concept at the same time. I only played early parts of the campaign for a short period of time, but in my limited playtime I still found some awesome environments, significant challenge and potential replayability. While the same boxy, retro pixel-art aesthetic does carry over into Overdrive, the move to VR creates an experience much more rewarding than any of the studio’s previous mobile titles. Going into the game, I expected something akin in depth to those mobile experiences, however I was pleasantly surprised. Shooty Skies Overdrive is a new collaboration between Crossy Road co-creator Matt Hall and Melbourne-based studio Mighty Games, taking heavy inspiration from the style and aesthetic of their previous mobile games like Crossy Road and the original non-VR Shooty Skies.

We went to go hands-on with the title and put together some first impressions and gameplay footage ahead of the game’s release.

Shooty Skies Overdrive is a new shoot ’em up title coming to Oculus Quest and Rift next month.